Saturday, April 18, 2009

Life Just Keeps On Keeping On

We had a wonderful Easter. Susannah came home the day before and we had a good reunion. It just feels good to have her home for awhile. Hopefully she can find a job this summer. She has already been out beating the bushes, so maybe something will come of it. On Easter day, my sister Peggy, and Carolyn and Joshua and their 3 kids and Travis and Christie came for a visit and for Easter dinner. It was so fun having everyone together again. The kids looked so cute in their Easter dresses and we had a fun time in the backyard after dinner doing an egg hunt. Little Grant just goes along with whatever the girls are doing. They were so funny because after they each filled their baskets with eggs, they broke open all of the plastic eggs and emptied them into one basket to "share". My sister and I were laughing, because when we were little that would not have been an option with me. I carefully guarded my candy and saved it forever...eating only a little at a time...whereas Peggy would eat hers the first day! Travis spent an hour out on the driveway helping Juliana and Malia draw pictures with the sidewalk chalk. I wish I would have taken photos of their pictures and drawings...pretty artistic.

It has been another busy week. Work has been going Ok at Walgreen's but I keep telling myself that there has to be something better! At least right now it is a job and it helps with the income.

We had a big Stake Leadership meeting this morning and I taught my class to all of the Relief Society Secretaries. We had a good turnout and I think it was a success, but most of all I am glad to have that over. Tomorrow morning the Stake Presidency wants to see me and my husband so I am sure changes are in the cards once again.