Saturday, January 31, 2009


It is now past midnight. I have been working to see if I could make my own background and header to match on my blog. It has taken me forever and I still haven't got it right! Oh well. I guess I will go to bed and start again some other time. It is therapeutic for me and I guess I just get lost in all of the new things I am learning! I will definitely regret this tomorrow, especially since I have to work until 11pm tomorrow night! Sweet Dreams!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Strawberries and Apples

I had a fun day with Carolyn and the girls on Thursday. We went shopping at Real Deals in Glendale and then to Hobby Lobby. When we got home we spent the afternoon making flowers for the girls hair. It was so fun that I made more than we will ever probably use! Oh well! Another craft learned and conquered!

I played with Malia and then had Juliana read me a book. She is only five and reading quite well. It is so cute listening to her sound out the words. I brought the girls strawberries and an apple as ordered. Carolyn sent me a picture page of the kids enjoying their treats! I love my grandkids!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

AHHH! Arizona!

We went to a movie this morning (Last Chance Harvey...which I really liked, by the way. It was a quiet, sweet, slow moving, study in character movie.) and then went to lunch at AJ's and ate out on the patio. The weather is absolutely gorgeous and just one of the perks of living in Arizona! A totally pleasurable morning until we found out that we have to fix my new (used) car to the tune of $650...something about a gasket leak in the manifold...whatever that means! And all we did is take it in for an oil change. Isn't there always something! So, while it is still a beautiful day, that put somewhat of a damper on it!

Last Sunday we had a family dinner because our twins (the two oldest) had their 31st birthday! Talk about making me feel old! But those sweet grandkids are trying very hard to keep me young. So smart, so cute and precocious. I love talking to them and hearing their take on things. They consider and think through things much more than we give them credit for. Hooray for Youth! Malia (3) loves strawberries and was even eating the slimy pieces off of Grant's high chair tray. She told me to be sure and bring strawberries the next time I come to visit. And Oh, better bring an apple for Juliana because she doesn't like strawberries! At least she wasn't selfish!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

I worked all day today. It was busy, but not the crazy rush that we have been experiencing. I came home and my family had cleaned the house and taken down the Christmas things and put everything away. What a treat!

On New Year's Eve, we spent last night at Carolyn's just playing with the grandkids and eating and then we spent the next 3 hours just talking. It was a very pleasant evening. I realize how much I love my family and how blessed we really are. I have been talking to James and Susannah while they are home on Christmas break from college and telling them to appreciate the simple little pleasures and to enjoy this journey we are on, called life. One of my goals this year is to discover a new simple pleasure each and every day. Some of my simple pleasures are inhaling the smell of new books with their fresh ink. Another simple pleasure is climbing into my own bed with fresh clean sheets. Or, listening to an innocent comment from my sweet grandchildren. What joy they bring me! I know life is busy for all of us, but I challenge us all to take a moment and enjoys life's simple pleasures!