For Mother's day we all went to church at our own wards and then gathered at Carolyn's for dinner later that afternoon. We had grilled chicken and potato salad and rolls for dinner and it all tasted so good...maybe because I didn't have to cook it! Travis and Christie made me a German Chocolate cake for dessert...my favorite! It was so fun being together again. I love all of my children and grandchildren and being a mother and grandmother was all I ever really wanted to do with my life! The picture is of Susannah playing horsie to Juliana and Malia...they sure loved having her home from college! We celebrated my birthday along with Mother's day because I will be in Hawaii for my birthday. They all got together and gave me a new camera for my birthday! I love it and I needed one so badly...now if I can break my bad habit of thinking of taking pictures "after the fact" it will be a very useful gift.
On Tuesday night we went to ASU where Travis attends classes in Industrial Design, to see the Sophomore class displays and see what they have accomplished during the year. They have done some amazing work and I was so impressed with the design ideas and everything they did. Travis definitely inherited the Harris art talent! His teacher was so impressed with his shoe design that she wanted to display it in the design building for the coming year at ASU.

Susannah finally found a job this week after looking for a month. At least she will be able to make some money to help with school this fall. James found a job too so maybe we will be able to make another year of college work yet again!
I am getting so excited to go to Hawaii on Tuesday. It has been a couple years since I have gone and it will be so fun to just get away and go play in the ocean. We are planning to just go and relax and enjoy the time away. Last summer we had weddings and family reunions so this summer is going to be slower and a much easier pace. Aloha!