Thursday, February 26, 2009

Fashion Show Complete!

I have been working for 2 months to get the Stake Enrichment activity taken care of. It took me awhile to write the program. We did a vintage fashion show and showed the changes in fashion along with the history of Relief Society. We had a group do some musical numbers and then we had about 18 models show the fashion for the times. It turned out really well and I think everyone enjoyed it. It was a lot of work, but I have had many compliments and praise about how well it went and how much everyone enjoyed it. My sister Peggy had 2/3 of the clothes that she has collected over the years and I furnished the other third. We both have about 30 vintage hats and so we decorated with them on the tables. Everytime I do this I say I won't do it again because it is so much work, but then I give in and try it one more time! Can you say Crazy?

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