It is now the first week of February 2010. Wow! I feel like I actually lost a month somewhere! I was going to do better on my blog this year and at least post once or twice a month, but already I have failed! My goal was to learn something new every day and to use my new knowledge in some way. I was also going to read my scriptures everyday...which, by the way, I haven't accomplished either, so I am not doing so well already! Then I was going to take my vitamins everyday, which for some reason is so hard for me to remember. Beyond those simple goals I still plan to try harder to eat better and lose some weight if that is humanly possible. So a new month begins and I am still determined to do better...thus the blog post.
I have been thinking about a lot of random things lately and feel like I need to write them down somewhere, so maybe here is a good start. First of all I have been thinking a lot about who I really am. Really! I taught a lesson in Relief Society in January about who we really are and I think I benefited most, which is usually the case in a teaching situation. However I couldn't even scratch the surface when teaching my lesson. I don't know if anyone can really know another person completely but I think it is so fun to learn about others and the things that make them unique and individual. Here are the things that make me who I am:
First and foremost I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me and knows me personally and I cherish that relationship and would not and could not lead a very purposeful existence without that knowledge and love.
I love all things light: Rainbows, sunrises and sunsets, fireworks, Christmas lights, candle light, sunshine, the moon and the stars.
I love learning and am always enjoying the process. I love books, the smell of new books and reading just about anything including the newspaper, cookbooks, journals, how-to books, fiction(especially a good novel), self-help books etc.etc.etc. I used to enjoy writing but have gotten away from that a little and need to take more time pursuing the written word.
I am what some people would call a "neat-freak" and love a clean and organized home. I love the process of organization and making sure everything has a place and is in it's own place. I love it when the carpet is all vacuumed and not even a carpet footprint can be seen, when the dishes are done and the kitchen is spotless, and especially when the house is quiet and stays clean for even an hour after I am finished. I know it doesn't last forever, but just that satisfaction that a job is well done and I am able to savor the rewards is so pleasurable to me.
I absolutely love my husband and my children. They are my soul and my lifeblood! They make my day when they call or visit and it does my heart good when they are happy and doing well. I love to laugh with them and to share happy moments, but I also appreciate it when they come to me with something that troubles them and we can exchange thoughts and ideas and try to solve a problem together. They tease me because I laugh at my own jokes or something I have said. I truly believe that life is not to be taken too seriously and that we are here to enjoy absolutely as much as possible as often as we can. This life is far too short to be angry, hold a grudge or have a hateful heart. I have always told my children that "life is NOT fair" but that is no reason not to enjoy what we have been given.
If I have a choice between bargain or full price, it will be bargain every time. Free is even better~but I am not opposed to nice things either. I am usually pretty frugal with money and very seldom buy things frivolously. I like comfortable clothes, traveling, crafts (oh so many things I have tried), cooking, decorating, some gardening (but it is a proven fact that I will never be the gardener or have a green thumb like my mother did), walking, going out to lunch with friends and hearing from friends all across the country. I like eating waaaay too much and enjoy bread, cheese (any kind), fruit, nuts, dark chocolate, almost any kind of seafood and will try just about anything new at least once.
I am a conservative and vote across party lines whenever I feel that the candidate doesn't deserve my vote. I believe that for the most part people are basically good and that if encouraged they will continue on that path. I know that if we treat one another with love and respect and kindness, those things will be returned to us a hundredfold.
I am sure that I have said much more than anyone really cares about but it was very cathartic for me to write it all down and realize how much I truly have.