Susannah and James just had their birthdays. Susannah is now 22 and James is 25. At first this made me feel so old, but then I started to realize that they haven't even been a part of our family for that many years. 22 and 25 means that they are relatively young and have their lives ahead of them. Perhaps they are enjoying the best times of their lives so I shouldn't be sad at time lost but be happy to be a part of their lives and celebrate each and every moment with them. Happy Birthday!
I have been watching TV today to see what happens in Hawaii. Last night there was an earthquake in Chile and it was 8.8 magnitude. Bigger than the one a few weeks ago in Haiti. They were predicting that a tsunami would hit Hawaii today as a result of shock waves from the Chile earthquake. Since we go there so often and are familiar with so many places and people there we were very interested. So far not much has happened, so maybe the danger has been averted. All of these natural disasters make me think of Book of Mormon and Bible times and of all of the earthquakes and warnings that the Lord sent to people who were wicked. Sometimes I wonder if these are warnings to us. I know absolutely that these are signs of the times and that we will be blessed and protected if we follow the prophet. I am feeling a more urgent need to increase my food supply as well as water and to just become more prepared for any thing that may come. I realized today that we don't even have batteries or good candles in case of power outages. I think we are spoiled here in Arizona because that doesn't happen very often, whereas in Seattle it was almost a monthly occurrence.
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