Friday, September 5, 2008


We are alone in our cute little house and sometimes it is just toooo quiet! Susannah left on Wednesday and flew up to Salt Lake City to start a new semester at school. She stayed with Marlene for a day and then met her cousin Erin and rode the shuttle to Rexburg. They got there fine and are glad to be settling in. I miss her already and it was hard to let her go...but I keep telling myself that this is a good thing and she is busy doing what she should be doing at this time of her life! Now I just need to decide what it is I need to be doing at this point in my life! I need to find a job so that I have something worthwhile to fill my time. After all, you can only clean the house so many times a week! It is definitely a plus that I have my car to myself again! Travis and I are liking the fact that we only have to worry about ourselves when it comes to meals and going places...I might even get to really liking this! I talked to James and Travis both this week and they are happy with their classes and like their professors. I hope all three of our kids do well in school this year. Needless to say, we have enough money going out the door, that we are hoping for those degrees so we have something to show for it!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Welcome to the blogging world Kathryn! I think your blog is very cute! I hope all is well with you guys in Arizona.