Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I love Easter!

We just returned from the Mesa Temple Easter Pageant. We have lived here for almost 7 years and this is the first time I have gone. The night was beautiful and the presentation was equally as beautiful. The music and dancing was awesome and the story told is one of my favorites. Everyone portrayed their parts perfectly and I really felt the Spirit whisper to my heart that the things they were talking about were true. I am so grateful for my Savior and His Atonement and that we have the true plan of happiness. His resurrection is indeed a miracle and I love Easter and all it represents. We have been discussing the upcoming General Conference and saying that the principles we have been taught in the past will again be discussed and we will be reminded what we need to be doing. With all of the turmoil in the world, I am so greatful that we have a prophet on this earth to guide us and tell us of the things we need to be doing. We are indeed blessed and no matter what comes our way, we can be led by the hand and given answers to our prayers. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ knows each of us individually and cares about us and loves us no matter who we are or what we have done. That is such a comfort to me. The gospel of Jesus Christ is true!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

I am thankful for our Savior too.